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Michael Walters has been a writer for since the summer of 2019. He's originally from Cleveland, OH, but has lived in Los Angeles, CA since 2017. Michael also works as an Associate Producer for Omnia Media (ArcadeCloud, ArcadeCloud News, The Countdown), and he's obsessed with movies and TV shows as much as he is video games. Some of Michael's all-time favorite games include Resident Evil 4, BioShock Infinite, Halo 3, Pokémon Crystal, and GTA San Andreas. Right now he's playing a ton of AC Valhalla, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, The Witcher 3 (again), and per usual, Pokémon GO. He's also looking forward to spending all of his free time playing Cyberpunk 2077 when it drops. Follow Michael on Instagram or Twitter @_mikeywalt.
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