[S5E7] Down To The Wire
Knowing the truth about McNulty's hoax, Bunk refuses to attend a mandatory meeting about the serial killer and instead goes back to investigating the vacant murders. Carver brings in Michael to let Bunk interview him about his stepfather. Omar robs a Stanfield stash house, killing a soldier and flushing several kilos of heroin. He later traps and executes Savino Bratton, now working for Marlo. Later, Omar tells Michael that he will take out all Marlo's muscle until Marlo comes at him himself. Gus consults his old friend, Major Dennis Mello, about whether someone can go through the court system with a false name. Mello's answer casts doubt on Templeton's reporting. Gus and Corbett show disgust at Templeton's maudlin story about living with the homeless. Gus sends Sun reporter Mike Fletcher to research the homeless, which leads Fletcher to Bubbles' soup kitchen. Bubbles guides Fletcher to the Jones Falls Expressway, where he talks to local homeless. When Fletcher offers to pay Bubbles, he turns him down and tells him to "write it how it feels".
[S5E7] Down to the Wire
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Jimmy is conflicted. He watches Ted Whalen's family from around a corner in the hallway after the hearing, his unhappy expression split down the middle and reflected, in pure and perfect symmetry, in the mirrored surface of the polished marble wall.
We finally get to see the showdown of Bruce vs. Jeremiah, one-on-one, in the Ace Chemical plant. The two square off, predictably, on a catwalk overtop a huge vat of green goo that was presumably used to make the mystery gas grenades.
Gus sends Mike Fletcher off to research the homeless as well, not specifically for a story, and he winds up at the same kitchen Templeton was at and Bubbles is working at. Bubbles informs him it's not really a place for homeless persons, which comes as a surprise to him, but offers to take him around later. They meet under the same expressway overpass Templeton previously visited, and Fletcher spends some time talking to the homeless in the area. When he offers to pay Bubbles, Bubbles turns him down, telling him to "write it how it feels."
S5.E7. It's coming down to the wire for Chipper Jones on his Nebraska bow hunt. On his last afternoon sit, he heads in after "Mr. Perfect." Also, Michael Pitts changes stands in hopes that his luck will change.
[00:07:00] Sergio and Alicia make their way inside the apartment building. Sergio stops by the mailboxes to check which apartment they should break into. He decides to go into apartment 2B, which has the most unchecked mail. He throws the mail away, and they go upstairs. Alicia picks the lock, and they go inside. No one is inside the apartment except for a cat. The owner left a note for a woman named Hermania to water the plants and feed the cat. Sergio checks if the plants have already been watered. He tells Alicia someone had watered the plant, meaning they could spend the night in the apartment. They look out the window and see the army marching down the street. Sergio knows the army will search every apartment to find them.
[00:15:30] They could get the gold out before the police storm the bank. Palermo regains his passion for their heist. He remembers the time he needed to explain the technical details of the heist to Sergio. He was filled with hope and enthusiasm. Palermo, Rio, and Denver go down to the vaults to begin the extraction phase of their heist. In the past, Palermo explained the plan to Sergio down to the wire. In the present, Bogotá enters the vault and prepares the hoses they need to extract the gold. Meanwhile, the army addresses the residential block. They tell them they will forcefully enter any apartment or home that will not cooperate with them. The soldiers start marching inside the apartment complex. Sergio searches the house for tools and tells Alicia they need to hide.
Okay, I'm going to make this real simple, real early: if anyone makes even an oblique reference to scenes that may or may not have been leaked from later episodes, I'm going to delete those comments, and if it happens more than a couple of times, I'm going to shut down comments altogether. Are we clear?
I liked the parallel between McNulty parceling out the overtime to other needy cops, and Clay Davis' asserted parcelling out of charity money to needy constituents. McNulty as godfather?I don't think double jeopardy would protect Davis. I don't know all the elements of the federal crime involved, but if it involves at least one or two different elements from the state crime, the feds could now step in. I have to say, though, that was one of the fastest trials I've ever seen.Finally, I'm glad the critics don't know what's coming in the last three episodes. Some idiot of a critic described the Kima "Goodnight, Moon" sequence in a review before the season started, either in EW or the Baltimore Sun itself if I remember correctly. That guy should be downsized.On that note, I guess we know why Alan was asking about Munch in a post the other day. Alan, you've been far better about keeping the lid on what's coming than most of your professional colleagues, but I admit I would have rather my reaction to Belzer showing up been: "Hey, was that Munch?" than "well, I guess I know why Alan was asking about Munch the other day."I think "a-sillius" probably comes the closest. I about fell off the sofa at that one. I'd like to know how many takes that one required.
Just because we're heading into the closing episodes where the big stuff is expected to go down, let's avoid talking about the previews, okay?Also, Dominic West said in his TV Guide interview that the Omar/Michael scene was supposed to be filmed at night, but when scheduling issues pushed it into a daytime shoot, West came up with the idea of Omar posing as a homeless guy until he could get close to the corner. So, in theory, he was playing up the limp more in that scene.
David is right re: double jeopardy. I think the Clay storyline is done, but if not, maybe Pearlman takes it up to the feds?On the clock thing: I think it's basic. As Lester points out last episode, these boys/men are all products of Baltimore City schools. (I haven't seen ahead to know what it is.) Marlo seemed to get it prety quick (and he's not good at new ideas as the bank scene will attest. It's got to be something VERY simple.I assume you're referring to how quickly Marlo got it when Vondas gave him the phone? I think Marlo just instantly understood why a regular wire tap wouldn't work on this new phone. I am sure they had a conversation about the code and what not.I agree with what someone said above about it referring to a location -- either some sort of directional grid code or maybe dock numbers?And I went to law school -- they definitely don't teach what Clay did in law school. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeet.
Okay, I'm going to make this real simple, real early: if anyone makes even an oblique reference to scenes that may or may not have been leaked from later episodes, I'm going to delete those comments, and if it happens more than a couple of times, I'm going to shut down comments altogether.Thanks for looking out for us, Alan.
Sorry, but I could not focus at all on the Goodnight Moon scene -- I know what they were trying to do there, but I was horrified. Clearly Kima had a small child walking around in an apartment with a window wide open -- no screen. I know, I know -- the shot would have looked a lot worse had the screen been down. But from the second she sat down with the kid, I had my heart in my mouth. Good lord, an open window on an upper floor -- and a small child perched on the edge of that? Yes, I know, she had a good grip on the kid, but I can't get around my basic reaction to that scene, which was: Holy sh*t, that window doesn't have a screen! As the parent of a small, wriggly child, I almost felt sick. Nice writing, a little theatrically staged -- but I would have bought it had there been a screen on that window. Other than that -- I hope we get more Bubs. I have more thoughts but I think you all covered most of em.
To any objective observer, and certainly to DA Bond, the case was open and shut: there was no arguing about the paper trail, and indeed nobody argued about it.Well, I guess I disagree since Rhonda spent weeks with a grand jury. And while I appreciate them not trying to make it a "trial of the century" Battlestar Galactica-esque thing, any DA worth his salt would would have had evidence to trace the money to Clay actually misappropriating it. Again, I'm willing to write this off to not having enough time to do everything, but it just seemed like 2 seasons worth of work went down the toilet and there wasn't even time to appreciate it.Also, the feds could prosecute him for the "head shot," but what's the point? He's been vindicated in the "court of public opinion"; federal charges now would just make it look like he really was being "persecuted," especially for something so obviously trumped up. The Clay Davis ship has sailed....
Since no one has stepped in yet, I'll say based on my memories from law school that Clay could DEFINITELY be re-tried in Federal Court. In general, I remember there being exceptions where two crimes contain different elements (elements being the individual facts needed to prove guilt of a specific crime, eg, for murder, you'd need to prove both that the defendant committed the act and that he had the requisite criminal intent)). But in this case, I think the federal crime involved different acts altogether, so it wouldn't be a problem at all. But either way, to echo what an earlier commenter said, the verisimilitude of the whole trial was completely out the window. It made for good drama, and a great peformance by Whitlock, sure, but The Wire used to be about subverting the conventions of drama in order to show something more realistic. One of my favorite scenes from the show is from the first season, where they finally burst in to arrest Avon (and not Stringer). Rather than have the climactic gun battle and chase that most cop shows would have, they are just there waiting to get arrested, because in real life, guys like that know that getting into a gunfight with the cops would cause way more problems than it would solve.Having a trial that's over and done with in a day (about complicated financial crimes no less-- these days slip and fall lawsuits take days to complete!) is ridiculous, as is a judge letting a defendant grandstand in a way that has absolutely no value in determining whether he actually did what he is being accused of. In fact, all of the law this season has been off. In the first season there's that scene where Rhonda explains the concept of "exhaustion," (as in, you have to exhaust your other options of surveillance before a judge will give a wiretap). It also helped illustrate what a pain it is to get that kind of warrant. In this season, they've completely glossed over the fact that ultimately Jimmy and Lester's plan is not just morally questionable, it's bound to fail because nothing they're getting would hold up in court! Fuzzy Dunlop was one thing but they'd be trying to bring down a major kingpin (who now has Morry Levy on retainer!). They wouldn't be able to cut corners like that. 041b061a72